This is a Post About Legos

Today we had a pop-up on campus (pop-ups are awesome). The whole student body got an email in the morning telling them that for an hour, there would be free Legos and we could build whatever we wanted. Also, the President would be there.


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It was pretty cool. When I got there, there were 4 tables pretty much covered in Legos. Someone had thoughtfully built models of lanterns, owls, etc. for the more building-challenged of us to copy. All of my friends that I had harassed to come were there too, such as the lovely Hannah, pictured below.


Also, as promised, Kim Cassidy showed up. And when I say showed up, I mean it; she can build! Well, it was just some letters, but still. I struggled for a while trying to make a winged shoe to take with us to Nationals to be our mascot, but it pretty much failed. I ended up making a radish, a carrot, and a cucumber, which turned out pretty well, but when you think about it are kind of a weird choice to make, if you have all the Legos and possibilities in the world.


Other notable attendees were my coach and my bio professor. You would think that when the professors heard about this they would be like, “I can’t compete with fun, oh no!” but instead, they were like, “Yes! Legos!” and hung out with us and talked about their kids (and in some cases, actually brought their kids—it was adorable). My coach got really excited—you could practically see the 10-year-old Jason resurfacing—and made this super intense 3-D owl, which he’ll probably have in his office for years to come.


It was a really fun stress buster, especially in the middle of the final push to Thanksgiving break, but be on the lookout; you never know what will pop up next.


Also, since Beyonce is Mrs. Carter most of the time now, here is an amazingly photoshopped picture of her as Beyonce Carter (BC)


background photo by me, Beyonce photo from the internet (the gentlewoman)